"Duet For One" is a collection of original duets for finger-picked guitar and saxophone.
Alan had the original idea for this project about 10 before he actually recorded it, but there always seemed to be something getting in the way of its completion. The country atmosphere of Alsace-Lorraine, where he moved in the summer of 2000, combined with an in-house recording studio, enabled him to compose and record in the perfect setting.
He used 4 saxophones, baritone, tenor, alto, and soprano. The guitar parts are played with either classical or steel string guitar.
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Come Back:
Up The Mountain:
Für Arno:
Happy Dog:
Nachts um halb drei:
Almost Perfect:
Come So Far:
One Of A Kind:
Notre Paradis:
Leib und Seele:
Melodie Française:
Gentle Annie